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When it comes to marketing, there are many different tasks to keep track of. Businesses in today’s busy world can certainly benefit from automation. Email marketing is one tool used to engage audiences but is not automation in and of itself. Here, we will look at email marketing defined and how

Automating your workflow is great for productivity, email marketing, and customer service. But how do you start? What is workflow automation and how do you apply it to more than email campaigns? We’ll explain everything below. What Is Workflow Automation? Workflow automation, by the most recognized definition, “…is the process of using

Workflow automation has limitless possibilities. How you choose to use it depends on the unique attributes of your business and its individual goals. To review, workflow automation involves defining business rules to determine how manual tasks, data, or files are routed between people or systems. Simple or complex workflows can be

Near the start of 2014, mobile access to the Internet surpassed the number from desktop computers. People navigate through your website to learn more about your company, make purchases, get in contact with you and so much more. Therefore, your website must be mobile-friendly and visible to all users, regardless

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