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How are TV Commercials Made? Los Angeles Advertising Agency From an early age, most people are familiar with TV commercials. Many are unaware however of how most businesses pay for a typical 30-second spot or what goes into making a commercial that successfully “sells” a company and its product. If your business is

Ad Leverage Digital Marketing: Los Angeles-Based Advertising Agency The transformation of society and communication brought about by text messaging, including the prevalence of abbreviations (“LOL,” “OMG”), memes, and slang has been felt by brands looking to capture digital audience’s attention. Businesses are jumping on this trend, increasingly looking to ways of

Does Your Small Business Need SEO? Trusted Los Angeles Advertising Agency If you own a small business, your marketing decisions can usually make or break your company’s future. You may be wondering if investing in Search Engine Optimization is worth the time and money. From the outset, it is a given that

Los Angeles Ad Agency When designing their websites, many businesses fail to realize that in all likelihood, consumers will not be able to experience their product simply by visiting their site. Therefore, extreme care must be taken with each aspect of your website, especially in terms of communicating your reputation and message clearly

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