Evolving TV Viewing Habits
Modern technology continues to revolutionize our world. New inventions transform our lives – adding convenience and luxury to our lifestyles. These inventions and developments are taking place so rapidly that peoples’ attitudes towards technology are also changing at a rapid pace. Television is one of the technologies that have led to
Traffic: Essential in the Modern Era of Advertising
I’ve worked in and alongside traffic in several agencies. And in most of them, traffic is a fundamentally misunderstood role, and at times overlooked/underappreciated depending on your perspective. Your agency can create the best ad in the world and book the airtime to run the ad, but if nobody sees
Cross-Cultural Marketing — Everything You Need to Know
We live in a multicultural and multimedia society, which means not only must marketers consider the type of media consumers are using to receive brand messages, but also who they are. Multicultural populations are growing quickly and represent the fastest-growing segments of consumers. Cross-cultural marketing involves advertising to people in
How Big Data Impacts Your Consumer Strategy
Vast volumes of structured and unstructured data flow through the computer networks of every business. This data includes information on consumers and their behavior, the products they buy, and how they interact with your business. All this information, which flows non-stop, is called big data. Tracking everything is crucial for
The Convergence of Old and New Media
The question everyone is asking, “Is Traditional Media really dead?” Do these stats make you want to hit the panic button? Don’t reach for it just yet. We’ll tell you why all the hype on New Media isn’t a reason to abandon Traditional Media. A convergence is taking place that can